2013: New Post & Beam Sugarhouse!
Started November 2013, finished January 2014. Built with skill, speed and grace by Collin Schmelzenbach and Michael Faller - two true...
2017 sugaring season is here! This is a SAPCAM capture of fresh green sap flowing into our big 2600 gallon tank at the sugarhouse. It's...
Collin, Katya, John and Ed Sugarin' 2014 - Our First Batch
The season was very late this year after a long, cold winter - sap started running the last day of March. So we got our first syrup on...
John Capen
Loyal defender of the land, the cattle and the farm, John Capen was a lifetime friend of Lewella Day. "Llewella was mother and father...
Llewella Belle Day, 1927 - 2001
Everybody has something to say about Lewella. "Tough as nails." "She was the hardest worker I ever knew." "She was mother and father to...