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pictured above:  Nina Redpath, Sophie Redpath, John Capen, Katya Redpath, Ed Perkins, Collin Schmelzenbach

Katya & John Redpath

owners since 2012

We bought this beautiful old farm because we fell in love with it and wanted to preserve its beauty and integrity. We named it “New Day Farm” both because of our vision and in honor of the Day family who cared for it for several generations.


When you drive up to visit us, you will see the sign at the bottom of the drive still says “Days Rd".

We've raised two strong daughters and are now working to help our adopted piece of earth stand on its own into the future as a lasting, regenerative resource of beauty, nurture and inspiration.

We are lucky to have many helpful and talented people around us to further the aims of the farm. This is a big shout-out to John, Collin and Ed. We also have a growing alumni of enthusiastic and capable summer crews, self-described "New Day Farm Rangers". 

copyright 2022 New Day Farm LLC

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